Birthstone of September

Sapphire: The Birthstone of September


As an avid jewellery enthusiast, I'm thrilled to delve into the beautiful world of the Birthstone of September. In this article, we'll explore the enchanting beauty of Sapphire and Lapis, the birthstone of September and discover the timeless elegance it brings to a wide range of jewellery designs.

What is the Birthstone of September?

Are you a September baby or know someone who is? Prepare to be dazzled by the Birthstone of September.

Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli. 

These stunning gemstones have captivated people throughout history with their vibrant colours and rich symbolism. Sapphire, with its striking blue hue, has long been associated with wisdom, loyalty, and nobility. It is said to bring protection, clarity, and spiritual enlightenment to its wearer. From engagement rings to royal tiaras, sapphires have adorned the most prestigious jewelry pieces.

On the other hand, Lapis Lazuli showcases a deep celestial blue colour, reminiscent of the night sky. It is revered for its association with truth, intuition, and inner peace. Used by ancient civilizations for centuries, Lapis Lazuli has been regarded as a symbol of power and spirituality. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the intriguing properties, historical significance, and the best ways to care for these magnificent gemstones.

 So, if you're interested in uncovering the secrets behind the Birthstone of September, keep reading and prepare to be captivated by the beauty of Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli.

Sapphire Birthstone Ring - The Birthstone of September 

History and Symbolism of Sapphire

Sapphires have a rich history dating back to ancient times. The gemstone's name is derived from the Greek word "sappheiros," which means blue stone. Throughout history, sapphires have been associated with nobility, faith, sincerity, and purity. In medieval times, clergy members wore sapphires to symbolize heaven.

The most famous sapphire engagement ring is the one worn by Princess Diana and later Kate Middleton. This iconic ring features a 12-carat oval blue sapphire surrounded by diamonds. It has become one of the most recognized pieces of jewellery in the world.

Sapphires are not only known for their beauty but also for their metaphysical properties. It is believed that Sapphires can help the wearer focus the mind, promote self-discipline, and enhance spiritual enlightenment. Some cultures even thought that sapphires could protect against envy and harm.

Sapphire Birthstone Jewellery Set - The Birthstone of September 

Physical Characteristics and Variations of Sapphire

Sapphires belong to the corundum mineral family, which is the same as rubies. While Sapphires are commonly known for their blue colour, they can actually come in various hues such as pink, yellow, green, purple, and even colourless. The intensity and shade of blue sapphires depend on the amount of iron and titanium present in the gemstone.

One of the most valuable types of Sapphires is the Padparadscha sapphire, which exhibits a unique pinkish-orange hue. Another highly sought-after variety is the Kashmir sapphire, known for its intense cornflower blue color. Sapphires are rated based on color, clarity, cut, and carat weight, with the most prized sapphires exhibiting a deep, velvety blue hue.

Famous Sapphire Gemstones and Their Stories

The Star of India is one of the most famous sapphires in the world. This stunning gem weighs 563.35 carats and is known for its star-shaped phenomena, called asterism. It was donated to the American Museum of Natural History in New York City and unfortunately was stolen in a notorious heist in 1964, only to be recovered later.

Another notable sapphire is the Rockefeller Sapphire, a 62.02-carat cushion-cut stone that was previously part of the Rockefeller family's collection. This exceptional gemstone was sold at auction for over $5 million, showcasing the enduring allure and value of sapphires in the world of high-end>

Spiritual and Healing Properties of Sapphire

Sapphires have long been associated with spiritual significance and healing properties. In ancient times, sapphires were believed to protect the wearer from envy and harm. It was also thought to bring inner peace, spiritual enlightenment, and mental clarity to those who wore it.

In terms of healing properties, Sapphires are said to promote good health, relieve stress, and enhance focus and concentration. Some believe that sapphires can help calm the mind and improve communication, making it an ideal gemstone for those seeking balance and tranquility in their>

Care and Maintenance of Sapphire Jewellery

To keep your jewellery for the Birthstone of September looking its best, it is important to follow some care tips. Avoid exposing sapphires to harsh chemicals, extreme temperatures, or sudden temperature changes, as these can damage the gemstone.

It is recommended to remove sapphire jewellery before engaging in activities that may expose it to impact or abrasion.

To clean sapphire jewellery, use a mild soap and lukewarm water with a soft brush to gently scrub the gemstone. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a soft cloth. Store sapphire jewellery separately from other pieces to prevent scratching, and consider having it professionally cleaned by us and inspected periodically to ensure its longevity and beauty.

History and Symbolism of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli has a long history of being treasured for its deep blue color and golden pyrite flecks, resembling a starry sky. The name "lapis lazuli" is derived from the Latin word "lapis," which means stone, and the Arabic word "azul," which means blue. This gemstone has been mined in Afghanistan for over 6,000 years.

In ancient civilizations like Egypt, Mesopotamia, Greece, and Rome, lapis lazuli was highly prized for its intense color and believed to have mystical properties. It was often used in burial masks, jewelry, and even ground into powder to create the vibrant ultramarine pigment used by renowned artists like Michelangelo.

Physical Characteristics and Variations of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a metamorphic rock composed of multiple minerals, including lazurite, calcite, and pyrite. The most prized lapis lazuli stones exhibit a deep blue color with minimal calcite veining and abundant pyrite inclusions. The presence of pyrite in lapis lazuli gives it a distinctive golden shimmer.

While Lapis Lazuli is primarily known for its blue hue, it can also contain varying amounts of white calcite veining, which can affect its overall appearance and value. The finest quality lapis lazuli is a uniform deep blue with a rich golden sheen, making it highly desirable for jewelry and ornamental>

Famous Lapis Lazuli Artifacts and Their Significance

One of the most iconic artifacts made from Lapis Lazuli is the Mask of Tutankhamun, the burial mask of the ancient Egyptian pharaoh Tutankhamun. The mask features intricate gold and lapis lazuli inlays, symbolizing the pharaoh's divinity and royal status. It is considered one of the most significant archaeological discoveries of the 20th century.

In medieval times, Lapis Lazuli was used to create stunning illuminated manuscripts, where the vibrant blue pigment was used to decorate religious texts and manuscripts. The deep blue color of lapis lazuli symbolized the heavens and was associated with purity, truth, and enlightenment, making it a fitting choice for sacred art.

Spiritual and Healing Properties of Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is believed to have powerful spiritual and healing properties. It is associated with enhancing intuition, wisdom, and inner vision. Lapis lazuli is thought to stimulate the higher mind, promote self-awareness, and encourage self-expression and creativity in those who wear it.

In terms of healing properties, Lapis Lazuli is said to alleviate stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It is believed to bring inner peace, harmony, and tranquillity to the wearer, making it an ideal gemstone for meditation and spiritual practices. Lapis lazuli is also thought to help improve communication and foster honesty and clarity in relationships.

Care and Maintenance of Lapis Lazuli Jewellery

To ensure the longevity and beauty of your Lapis Lazuli jewellery, proper care and maintenance are essential. Avoid exposing lapis lazuli to harsh chemicals, high temperatures, or prolonged sunlight, as these can cause the gemstone to fade or lose its luster. It is recommended to remove lapis lazuli jewellery before swimming or engaging in activities that may expose it to chemicals or abrasion.

To clean Lapis Lazuli Jewellery, use a mild soap and lukewarm water with a soft brush to gently scrub the gemstone. Rinse thoroughly and pat dry with a soft cloth. Store Lapis Lazuli jewellery in a soft pouch or lined jewellery box to prevent scratching and protect it from dust and moisture. Periodically inspect the settings and gemstone for any damage or loose prongs and have it professionally cleaned and maintained as needed.

Types of September Birthstone Jewellery

When it comes to Jewellery for the Birthstone of September, the options are truly endless. From classic delicate pendants to elegant Sapphire Birthstone Rings can be showcased in a wide array of settings and designs. Here are some of the most popular variations of Jewellery for the Birthstone of September:

Birthstone of September Ring : A timeless and elegant choice, a single Sapphire Birthstone Ring can make a bold statement while remaining versatile enough for everyday wear.

Birthstone of September Bracelet: This classic bracelet is a perfect way to incorporate the Birthstone of September into your daily accessory line-up. The clean, minimalist design allows the vibrant blue hue of the Sapphire to shine.

Birthstone of September Necklace : Whether you prefer a delicate chain or a more substantial design, a Sapphire pendant necklace can be a stunning focal point, drawing attention to the face and neck, whilst embracing the Birthstone of September. 

Different Variations of Jewellery for the Birthstone of September

When it comes to Jewellery for the Birthstone of September, the options are truly endless. From elegant necklaces to stunning earrings and bracelets, Sapphires and Lapis Lazuli can be incorporated into a wide range of jewellery designs. Whether you prefer a delicate sapphire ring or sapphire earrings, there's something to suit every personal style and preference.

Why Made Here with Love is the perfect place to buy your Jewellery for the Birthstone of September

  • At Made Here with Love, each piece of jewellery is crafted with care and intention. Our Sapphire Jewellery is not just an accessory but a meaningful piece that tells a story and symbolizes rebirth, love, and good fortune.

  • We believe everyone deserves jewellery that fits perfectly. Our size-inclusive approach ensures that no matter your size, you can find beautiful, bespoke sapphire jewellery that suits you.

  • We offer bespoke services that allow you to customize your sapphire jewellery. Whether it’s a unique design or a specific size, we work with you to create a piece that’s truly yours.

  • Our team is dedicated to providing personalized customer service. From the moment you inquire to the time you receive your jewellery, we are here to assist and ensure a seamless experience.

  • By purchasing from Made Here with Love, you are also contributing to a good cause. We donate 10% of our sales to YoungMindsUK, supporting mental health for young people.

  • Our core values of family, kindness, gratitude, and inclusivity are at the heart of everything we do. These values guide us in creating jewellery that resonates with your personal story and style.

  • Our jewellery is designed for busy lifestyles. You can wear our sapphire pieces confidently without worrying about frequent removal or delicate maintenance.

  • We believe jewellery is a powerful form of self-expression. Our Sapphire pieces are designed to enhance your style and reflect your unique personality and journey.

Choosing Made Here with Love for Jewellery for the Birthstone of September means selecting pieces that are thoughtfully crafted, ethically sourced, and tailored to your needs. 

Our dedication to quality, inclusivity, and meaningful customer experiences makes us the perfect choice for your emerald jewellery.

Can my Sapphire Jewellery be customized for a personal touch?

Absolutely! At Made Here with Love, we specialize in creating bespoke sapphire jewellery that reflects your personal style and story. Whether you're looking for a custom-designed ring, necklace, or bracelet, our team will work with you to create a piece that's unique and meaningful. 


In conclusion, Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli are two of the most enchanting gemstones, which are known to be the Birthstone of September. The significance to their mesmerizing colours and spiritual properties, these birthstones continue to captivate people around the world. Whether you're drawn to the regal beauty of Sapphires or the celestial allure of Lapis Lazuli, these gemstones are sure to bring joy and inspiration to those who wear them.

By understanding the history, symbolism, physical characteristics, and caring for Sapphire and Lapis Lazuli Jewellery, you can fully appreciate the timeless beauty and significance of these precious gemstones. So, whether you're considering adding a sapphire ring to your collection or seeking the calming energies of lapis lazuli, embrace the magic and elegance of the Birthstone of September. 

To read more about the Birthstone of September, please follow these links:

An Interview with Sapphire Expert Jeffery Bergman - Gem Society

Sapphire Gemstone | Sapphire Stone – GIA 

Learnt what the Birthstone of September is 

Learnt about the History and Symbolism of Sapphire

About the Physical Characteristics and Variations of Sapphire

The Famous Sapphire Gemstones and their Stories

The Spiritual and Healing Properties of Sapphire

How to Care and Maintenance of Sapphire Jewellery

The History and Symbolism of Lapis Lazuli

The Physical Characteristics and Variations of Lapis Lazuli

What are the Famous Lapis Lazuli Artifacts and their significance 

The Spiritual and Healing Properties of Lapis Lazuli

How to Care and Maintenance of Lapis Lazuli Jewellery

The types of Jewellery for the Birthstone of September

Why Made Here with Love is the perfect place to buy your Jewellery of the Birthstone of September 

Chloe Roberts - Owner

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