Welcome to Made Here with Love!

Hey there! I’m Chloe, the heart and soul behind Made Here with Love. I'm thrilled you've found your way here. So, let's dive into what makes this place special and what it means for you.

Why I Started this Journey

Picture this: a young woman navigating the challenges of a full-time accounting job, battling with her own health and well-being. That was me. But in 2022, I decided it was time for a change. I craved something more meaningful, something that aligned with my values and allowed me to prioritize both my health and my family. And so, Made Here with Love was born.


It's All About Giving Back

But this journey isn’t just about crafting beautiful jewellery. It’s about making a difference. That's why we proudly donate 10% of every sale to YoungMindsUK through Work for Good. Supporting young people facing mental health challenges isn’t just a cause; it’s a passion. Because I’ve been there, and I understand the importance of community and support.                                                 

Meet Ella and Bennie

Now, let me introduce you to the real MVPs of Made Here with Love: Ella and Bennie, my two adorable feline companions. They’re not just pets; they’re family. And they’re a constant reminder of the joy and love that surrounds us every day. You might catch glimpses of their playful antics on our social media – they’re quite the characters!

                   Ella_Roberts  ELLA


                   Bennie Roberts BENNIE

Every piece of jewellery you find here is crafted with love and attention to detail. I work with 925 sterling sliver, and carefully selected gemstones to ensure each creation is not only stunning but also holds personal meaning. Whether it’s a symbol of strength, love, or connection, your Made Here with Love piece is designed to resonate with you on a deeper level.

What Sets Us Apart

So, what makes us unique? It’s simple: our values. Family, kindness, gratitude, and inclusivity aren’t just words on a page – they’re the driving force behind everything we do. We understand that life can get hectic, but amidst the chaos, it’s these values that ground us and remind us of what truly matters.

Connecting with You

If you’re a busy, married woman who cherishes family, embraces kindness, and seeks moments of gratitude in everyday life, you’re in the right place. Made Here with Love isn’t just about jewellery; it’s about self-love and empowerment. It’s about finding beauty in the little moments and wearing something that speaks to your soul.

So, welcome to our little corner of the internet. Take a look around, find something that speaks to you, and know that each piece is crafted with love, just for you.

With love and gratitude,

Chloe x